Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Four times in Scripture, food instruction is changed by God Himself.

It is simple but important...

In the beginning God said to Adam and Eve, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Genesis 1:29. 

Then a change in dietary requirements was given to Noah after the global flood. When Noah and his wife and family emerged from the Ark after the flood, God told them, "Every moving thing that lives shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have, I given you all things." Genesis 9:3.

Later God gave the third dietary instruction to Moses. They were Laws for the Children of Israel. In it was strict “clean and unclean” food laws. This had me intrigued as I grew up. 

My father was the first influence I had of a strict food diet as my five brothers, two sisters and I grew up. It would have been in the fifties and sixties and on. He pleaded with my mother to buy real butter, not margarine, and to buy only whole grain bread. He called soft, degermed, bleached white bread “Allenpuff”…sitting on a loaf to demonstrate how flat it would become, how much air it had.

He was an athlete all through Wheaton College, going into each new season eating at the “training table” as he described it. I became (though he never knew) his follower in health and healthy food habits.

Years later Eric and I took our young twelve-year-old Granddaughter to a restaurant. She ordered Octopus for dinner. I was disturbed. I had not yet realized the freedom in the fourth food designation in the New Testament. Octopus was part of the “unclean food” dietary law under Moses. After realizing I was wrong, we again took Lilly, (now fifteen) out for dinner. She ordered her octopus surprise and gave me a taste … which I accepted.

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