Wednesday, February 5, 2025


For the first years of our marriage and before I could afford to buy what I liked in the grocery store, our three sons, Joshua, Josiah, and Zachariah were one to five. Eric was earning minimum wage as an Electrician’s Helper. My budget for food was $18.00 a week. The cost of much of “the healthy” food was often above my ability to pay; fruit and vegetables on sale saved us. I remember praying as I shopped and looked at the fresh fruit and vegetable departments, “Lord, I cannot buy those big red apples. They are there and out of reach. Help me to be able to buy them.” It was up to God to provide, I knew. We ate healthy low-cost food. The grapes and pears were expensive, so I looked for fresh fruit on sale. Vegetables, cut and bagged were beautiful and convenient, but I got good at chopping.

For many months I bought whole wheat flour from a friend who ground it fresh and delivered it to us. Baking bread came naturally. My mother had baked whole wheat bread often for our family of ten. Also, I could bake granola cereal with whole oats, raisins, honey, butter, and olive oil, simple ingredients. As I ground whole grains and made things from them it was from the example of my father, who strongly believed in "food wisdom" from the Bible. 

I made whole wheat chocolate cake, oatmeal cake, and carrot cake. The frosting, cooked on a double broiler with raw sugar and egg whites, then cream cheese added. Meat was for flavor: mostly beef, and chicken. 

As the years went by, my belief that simple whole food (often mentioned in the Bible) was one of the biggest benefits and offerings given to my husband and children.  


Monday, February 3, 2025



You can have a noticeable change in your health in ten days. It took Daniel, and his three friends that long to prove that “things grown” are effective quickly (in Daniel 1:12).

If food by faith is a new thought for you, think of this: the journey of your life is a one-time opportunity to do the best you can, to search for the most wisdom you can find. You can become physically, spiritually, mentally all God created you to be! It’s by faith. 

The variety provided by our Creator is vast, from cows and sheep to grains and watermelon, nuts, broccoli, and squash…how about a focus on our health!

If we believe in an all-wise Creator, eating the right food makes sense. He made everything to be for the wellbeing of all humanity: our welfare, health, and our eternal salvation. He poured love into our world through the life, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, “The Way, the Truth and the Life….”. His love also shows in the creation of the natural things grown for you to eat…

"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Thessalonians 5:23). Sanctified means set apart. Faith…or believing and acting on what God says is an adventure. 

Medical News Today › articles › ultra-processed-food-consumption-linked-to-premature-preventable-death

Dietary patterns can have an immense impact on health outcomes. 

Ultra-processed foods that go through large amounts of processing can lose nutritional value and contain unhealthy elements.

A new study adds to a growing body of research showing that ultra-processed food consumption may cause premature, preventable death.