Saturday, January 20, 2024


Food, but not too much. The challenge of a lifetime!

When Jesus said, “I am the bread of life…” that is a literal truth going spiritual. There is physical health and life, there is spiritual health and life: and that is eternal. Bread, not the bleached, devitalized, degermed, white bread. The bread Jesus stands for is made from a powerful whole grain. In wheat there are three parts: the bran, endosperm, and germ. This is a picture of Jesus, “The Bread of Life.”

Health has been a lifelong interest, and the Bible is profound inspiration on this subject. What has been a surprise as I study it is that food is physical and spiritual. One teaches about the other; it is useful and powerful in our lives and future if we believe it? There is a lifetime of benefit if we do.

The Bible has profoundly influenced my life from the first day I was born. Every day, my father and mother and their family of ten read the Bible aloud together. All eight children learned to read this way. It influenced me, even before I realized and directed my life. By my twenties, my health pursuits became an adventure primarily because of Scripture. About this same time, I traveled with my brother, Arnold, to Texas where he and his new wife, Esther lived. I could type well and got a job at Transicold Trucking Company in Dallas, Texas. There all the ways of the big city came up.

Instead of going rogue, I decided to follow the Bible already planted in my head and heart. My spirit, soul and body needed to be fed. I felt pointless and after six months drove home (in the new little Volkswagen my brother cosigned for). I look back now and wonder at God’s protection and leading, even when I was directionless.

“Don’t go home,” my friend advised, “nobody will come to your doorstep.” As it turned out, Eric Julin proposed on my parent’s doorstep. And our marriage started me thinking about not only feeding myself but my new husband. He amazingly approved of the budding “health nut” experimenting on him.

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