Monday, July 20, 2020


The man, Daniel was young, taken captive into Chaldea because of the sins of others.  But Daniel had a power within.  The envy, jealousy of the princes in his new country, changed nothing of the focus he had.  He had always prayed to God three times a day.  Then the controlling powerful presidents and princes decided as one to get rid of him.

What caused this was jealousy, a common problem for gifted, good people.  The Great and powerful king had promoted Daniel above all the princes.  Yet he was a Jew, an immigrant, a young and strange newcomer.  He prayed to the God who claimed to be the One True God.  So, Daniel, in a strange land, with a strange idol worshipping culture kept his focus on Jehovah.  He continued his habit of praying with an open window toward Jerusalem, where his fathers had at one time worshipped.

The jealous princes, flattering King Darius, coaxed him into making an unchangeable law that no one could make any request of any god except to him.  For one month every person in the kingdom must pray to him alone or be thrown into the den of lions.

What Daniel did is what we should always do:  pray to the Lord the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, no matter the risk.  Daniel continued opening his window and praying to the Lord three times a day.  The princes were watching for him and reported it to the king.  Now the king was in a fix; he saw his mistake:  he was about to lose his best counselor.  He had promoted Daniel above the rest because “an excellent spirit was in him.”  But now the king would be forced to throw Daniel to the lions.

You know the story; the princes had their way - - to a point.  Daniel was cast into the den of lions, stayed all night, and came from there unscathed.  “And no manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed in his God.”  In relief, the king glorified the God of Daniel.

That same powerful focus can be within us.  Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to us. You and I, Believers in Jesus, have power within; this from the same All Powerful God as Daniel's.  Jesus said: “And lo, I am with you all the days, even to the end of the world.”  “You shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…”  The gifts and power of the Holy Spirit are available to us. God gives direction that is personal, it is to you for the moment you need it. "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand...’" (Isaiah 46:10).

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