Tuesday, January 18, 2022


It is one challenge at a time. One incident. One bout of discord, disappointment, anger. Unresolved and walked away from, the rift grows.


A marriage, cherished and preserved is worth the humility and initiative it takes to bring back the peace, accompanied by the satisfaction of restoring unity: it is love. This is not about a feeling, but a vision of God. His ways and means for keeping your marriage together work to preserve your household, (made up of whoever it may be).


“Humble yourself in the sight of the LORD, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10. And then there is this, from the Prophet Jeremiah to the most powerful couple in the Kingdom: “Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit down: for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory.” Jeremiah 13:18


There is a good and proper fear of God. It will give you caution if you are wise enough to stay close to Him. Through the Old Testament, repeated defiance of God, revolt from the mind and heart, turned the people of God into a scattered, lost nation. Will we learn? There is a way to learn, know the way of God, the Creator, Designer, lover of our souls. This is the God Who sent His Son, Jesus to suffer and die for us! Demonstrating his power, He rose again.


The antidote to disintegration of your marriage is keeping up with “I shouldn’t have said that. Please forgive me.”  “I made a mistake.”  “I was wrong.” “I love you.” “You are the best; thank God, I married you.”


It is one humble move at a time. The answer for not growing apart, is to fertilize, water and nurture growing together. Growing together is obeying the LORD. “Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.” Colossians 3:19. “The wife, see that she reverences her husband.” Ephesians 5:33. I wondered at the beginning of our forty-eight years, “What does reverence mean?” So, I decided not to question the reason, but make certain that I gave him respect, cooperation, to listen to him, not only just his spoken word, but his unspoken heart: because he was my husband. You can learn to “read” him…and you can be forthright with also “speaking” your own unspoken words.


Marriage is worth the exercise in humility as you preserve it one dilemma at a time. Your marriage, home and family are worth protecting and cherishing. When those you look up to and respect fall apart, you begin to understand the sorrow you yourself might cause when you do not.


Vision is gaining a clear picture in your mind of the vow to God and its meaning when you marry. Vision is planning to create the life you dreamed of when you said, “I do.”

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